A Message from your President:
Hey Gang,
So I've had this idea for a drink n' draw social club for individuals who aren't able to attend any of the official Drink n' Draw Society functions for a while now. Only recently have I put any real thought or time into it.
The overall idea is if you are a working/professional artist and occasionally hit the pub for a pint and sketch a little while you're there. This is the club for you.
The structure of this club is modeled (loosely) after a motorcycle club. We have a charter crew, Prez, VP, Sgt at Arms, etc. And we hope to develop members and prospects. Charter crew and members can purchase motorcycle vests here and purchase the two patches need directly through me by emailing me at lonewolf.dnd@gmail.com.
Once you're inducted into membership, a link for your website/social network site will be added to our online member roster. I will take one image, once a month from members and upload them to this site to share with all. At some point, a forum will most likely be created to help with growing numbers.
I know what you're saying "Hey I draw but I don't get paid to!" Not a problem, you will be considered a prospect, you can purchase a shirt and be added to our online prospect roster. See image for sample.
Well that's all I have for the moment. I look forward to your applications! I hope this site and any future site(s) becomes a great place for us all to express ourselves and network!
images to follow this weekend!